New hole disease |
The New Hole Disease |
I remeber that this New Hole Disease (N.H.D.) was found
about 3 or 4 years before. It is NOT same as the "USUAL" hole disease.
Effective treatment against Hole disease is NOT effective. The side of body, the root of the tail fin, fin start to rot, once KOI were infected. The infected fish will die. This is the great difference, compare with the old hole disease. Old hole disease have no power to kill the host fish. |
Crisis | Nobady know the "cause" of this NHD. Someone said, it's a disease that
brought by bacteria. And the other one said, it was the problem that
brought by DNA.. Since this disease seemed like an old Hole disease, a lot
of KOI were sold and transffered ponds to ponds, after "WRONG" treatment.
I guess that this NHD was appeared in the limited place. However, people was too careless to deal with fishes. "SOMETHING" that is the cause of this desiase was delivered with KOI. |
From my business record | I worked for a fish dealer before. They hold an auction every week. And most of their stock was from this auction. Many avrious KOI were brought from many many place. Maybe, ONE inffected fish was released into our farm.... It was unbelieable. Most of our KOI in our stock farm had been infected. All medication and treatment was NOT efective... I had to close our farm. |
THE CAUSE OF NHD | I doubted that the cause of NHD should be "VIRUS". Because. I
confirmed a fact. A pond of KOI was died by NHD. It was very conditioned
pond, but one KOI were brought back from the KOI show. We had to conclude that the cause might be "VIRUS" that was brought with the fish. |
Our idea | To select KOI that have NO virus is impossible. But, to supply KOI from a farm that is NOT infected by NHD is possible. This is the route, why we started to deal with Hamamatsu KOI. Their farm was isolated from other place. |
LABO REPORT | The labo report, that I read was introduced a Japanese KOI magazine,
NICHIRIN. The labo report means, all report was written according to the
"fact". (I was fish physiologist). Therefore, NO subject was stated according to rumor or experience. I think that it is worth quoting. Labo report means "FACT". And everyone can reach the same result, if they did the same test according to this report. It is very important. |
Doctor saud | The doctor concluded, the cause is virus. As you may know, Virus is much smaller than bacteria. And I can say that it is the smallest organism. Therefore, only a limited microscope is good to confrim it. |
How to infect ? | This Virus is carried through the water. And once the NHD Virus reached at the fish surface, Virus start to break the skin cells. |
Why KOI will be died ? | This Virus is carried into the KOI inside by blood. And it start to attack the heart and some other inner organisms. |
How to protect | We had better take NHD is one of the influenza for human beings.
Therefore, the best way to protect your fish from NHD is prevention. Once you found a fish that suffered NHD, please isolate it. Do NOT mix your previous stock and other new KOI. If you have to do it, please be careful. It's better to wait and see the condition for a while. As same as Infulenza, the prevention is the best way. |
How to cure ? | The Doctor who examine suggested, Vaccine. To remove the KIDNEY of the
infected fish and freeze-dried. After the heat dealing, it might be good
as Vaccine. This Vaccine should be injected into the body. But, I think that we had better wait more labo work. And if you wanted to creat a Vaccine at yoru labo, I will send more detail information via e-mail. |
How to cure ? 2 | It is well known that the VIRUS start to be inactive, The doctor
started to reserch the "best temperature to destroy the Virus". (but, it
was NOT reported. What I can suggest you is, to isolate the infected fish and raise the temperature of your pond. Since we do NOT know what is the temperature that the DNA (or RNA) of Virus started to inactive, it is better to raise the tamperature as far as you can and as far as KOI can survive. |
IN FACT | In fact, I have ever introduced that the heat treatment by hair dryer
was good to cure the NHD. And many KOI hobbyist in Japan met with a good result by this method.. |
In future | This ropeort is according to the labo report. And this doctor started
to create the Vaccine and medicine. But, it was NOT done yet. But, anyway, we found the cause of the NHD. It is brought by NHD virus. Virus is. we can say, the DNA (or RNA) have leg to arrive at the host animal. And this is the smallest organism. It easy to change their character by "mutation".. NHD might be disappear soon ? No one can deny this possibility. And at the same time, it might be much stronger virus. We do NOT know. But, ALL VIRUS is NOT stronger than ANIMAL. I bileve that heating treatmnent is effective. |
It is very nice that the cause of this disease was found. It measn
"we can reach the solution!".
The doctor who did this examination suggested
some solutions, in fact. I like to introduce more about it here.
I'm very
sorry but my poor English knowledges will be your trouble to understand what is
Please do NOT hesitate to ask me, if you could NOT understand what I
wanted to mean.
I like to introduce more about NHD and the report on the
KOI magazine. But, since I have to do some other works, I could NOT introduce a
lot, now. Once I fond time that I can sit down here, I will add more
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